Digitally Driven

Vision: A secure, resilient and digitized experience for customer-owners, employees and partners.

Over the next decade, OPPD will transition from a utility that uses technology to a technology-driven company that delivers critical energy services. OPPD’s employees will also embrace a digital work experience that is focused on employee collaboration. Both are significant and critical to delivering the vision of perfect power, customer freedom and a cleaner world.

OPPD’s ability to seamlessly and securely deploy critical technology will enable it to fend off cyberattacks; enable many employees to work anywhere; equip field staff with drones, digital tools and artificial intelligence to help with dangerous jobs; and enable faster, smarter, and more efficient service.

That’s just the beginning.


The OPPD Technology Team is taking a disciplined and integrated approach to 2050 based on these North stars: 

  1. MASTER ASSET MANAGEMENT With real-time awareness and predictive capacity, manage all aspects of OPPD assets to include location, condition, performance and future financial needs.
  2. CONNECT THE DISTRICT Build a scalable, high-speed, end–to–end securely connected district.
  3. REAL-TIME RELATIONSHIPS Build a real-time, multiregion relationship with the energy market (including prosumer).
  4. DIGITAL WORKPLACE Enable digital work management and enterprise planning, integrated with OPPD’s finances and human capital.
  5. CUSTOMER CHOICE Support real-time customer choices, with direct customer integration and visibility.

Click here to learn more about Powering the Future to 2050 and explore the other crossover levers.