Perfect Power

Vision: Reliable, resilient, and secure system that enables two-way communication with customers and intelligent solutions to their energy needs

Most OPPD customer-owners don’t think about OPPD until the power goes out or when they pay their bill. By 2050, OPPD’s vision of perfect power will deliver an enhanced customer-owner experience because the grid will be smarter and more resilient. In the next three decades, OPPD will transform the way it delivers and manages power, from upgrading the distribution grid that carries electricity to installing state-of-the-art technology that controls and stabilizes the flows over those lines.

What is Perfect Power? Perfect power will mean different things to different customer-owners. It does not mean there will never be outages. Instead, it means we’re looking at ways to modernize and harden our system to provide a reliable, resilient and secure energy ecosystem that enables interactive services and intelligent solutions.  

The steps we will take include:

  • Implementing Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), a two-way communication path between OPPD and our customer that will alert us when a customer’s power is out.
  • Pursuing a self-healing grid that uses sensors, controls and communication devices to anticipate or detect problems, relay messages and respond quickly. This will help our system to avoid outages, or at least contain them.

Click here to learn more about Powering the Future to 2050 and explore the other crossover levers.