Sarpy Transmission Project (STP)
For information about the current Sarpy Southwest Transmission project and the Oct. 5 Public Hearing, please click here.
Omaha Public Power District held a public hearing Oct. 23, 2018, on the Sarpy Transmission Project (STP). We invited the public and contacted impacted land owners directly.
Recent STP changes include slight modifications to the route selected in September 2017. Upgrades to transmission voltage are also needed due to anticipated and planned growth/development in this area. See final route alignment map.
About the Project
Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) takes great pride in meeting the energy needs of today, while planning and preparing for the needs of the future. Papillion, Sarpy County and the entire greater Omaha area is currently experiencing rapid commercial, industrial and residential growth. As your local energy partner, we continue to invest in the communities we serve to support growth and opportunities in the region – all while meeting our commitment to no general rate increase through 2021.
To support this growth, OPPD will be constructing a new overhead high-voltage transmission line. The new line will extend from OPPD’s Substation 1255, located near 114th and Giles Road in Papillion, to Substation 1260, located near 144th and Schram Road in Papillion.
The new transmission line project is referred to as the OPPD Sarpy Transmission Project. OPPD routed, designed and will construct the new transmission line with consideration to impacts to the environment and community.
Sarpy Transmission Line Benefits
- Provide the necessary capacity and reliability to support new and expanding businesses as well as residential growth
- Support OPPD's commitment to no general rate increase through 2021
Routing Criteria
Throughout the routing process, the following criteria were used to determine the most appropriate and responsible power line route:
Stakeholder Outreach
OPPD has been seeking feedback from stakeholders on the multiple route options through mailings, a hotline,, and a public open house. Stakeholder feedback, in addition to careful evaluation of environmental, engineering and community concerns, was valuable in helping OPPD make an informed decision on the final selected route.
Key Criteria for our stakeholders included:
~ Maximize distance from homes
~ Minimize number of private properties affected
~ Maximize distance from schools, parks, churches, cemeteries, etc.
Stakeholder feedback will be collected after each phase of the project.
Transmission Line Route
Although the route has been selected, detailed placement of support structures has yet to be determined, including which side of the road structures are to be placed, based on engineering limitations.
Originally Proposed Transmission Line Route:
Final Route Alignment:
OPPD will contact stakeholders impacted by the transmission line by mid-October to begin right-of-way discussions. Impacted stakeholders are defined as those landowners where infrastructure will either cross over or be installed on their property.
Review the Frequently Asked Questions.
Send Us Your Comments
OPPD Listens. Your feedback is important to us. Please provide your questions below and let us know your thoughts about the Sarpy Transmission Project, or call 531-226-3062.